Cities attract a diverse population. Really, it’s this
diversity that allows cities to be the engines of innovations and cultural
progress. However, one stark effect of housing different populations in the
same area is the gap between those with means and those without. A recent report
by the Brookings Institution, summarized in a New York Times article, expands
on how this income inequality comes about and where it is trending. The
conclusion is that cities with high per-capita income—what the New York Times’
author calls “thriving”—are also the ones with the most pronounced income
inequality. Midwestern and Southern cities with less booming economies show
lower income inequality.
Why is that?
My first reaction is: Obviously! Income inequality is the
gap between the poorest and the richest. (In fact, the Brookings study notes
they use a common—but not the only—measure, which is the income ratio of the 95th
percentile to the 20th percentile of earners). Big cities,
attracting both high-wage industries like finance and technology, and with high
costs of living, are far more likely to have big earners than smaller Midwestern
cities. And that, in and of itself, is not a bad thing. The economy is not zero-sum game.
However, the Brookings study points out the issues that will
plague cities with a large gap: a narrow tax base, and issues making housing
affordable for all residents. Perhaps one of the most important for a city’s
future, a city with high income inequality will “struggle to maintain
mixed-income school environments,” limiting the opportunity of lower-income
students. And its these cycles of poverty and limited opportunities that
exacerbate inequality issues generation after generation.
In fact, those issues bring up an entirely different
consideration. A city with lower income inequality may simply be excluding the
poorest families who cannot even afford to reside in the city limits. Without
adequate housing options, and decent schools, cities will push many people out
to suburbs or exurbs. This will leave only those willing to pay premium rents
and private school tuition and obscure the measure of income inequality.
So, is income inequality being driven by the rich getting
richer or the poor getting poorer? Like everything in life, it's both.
Compared with the U.S. average, the 50 biggest cities have
the bottom 20th percentile of households earning 10% less. That drops
their income from $20,968 to $18,137. And cities are typically more expensive
to live in than outlying areas, so that reduced income may in fact represent
even less purchasing power. The 95th percentile of households earns
about $5,000 more in big cities than the U.S. average. However, that’s an
increase of only about 2.5%. So both upward trends by the rich and downward
trends by the poor contribute to income inequality in big cities. But that 10%
drop is much more significant when you start off at only $20k.
For your reference: the three cities with the lowest 20th
percentile incomes: Miami at $10,438, Cleveland at $9,432 and Detroit at
$9,083. The three cities with the highest 95th percentile incomes:
Atlanta at $279,827, D.C. at $290,637 and San Francisco at $353,576. I’m very
happy for those doing well, wherever they live. But I am distraught and taken
aback that we host cities where one in five households make $10k or less.
So what do we do about income inequality? Can the mayors who
have signed on to tackle it accomplish their goals through smart urban
planning? The optimist in me certainly hopes so.
Educational opportunities can go a long way toward breaking
cycles of poverty. But even if smart, effective and radical policies are pushed
through immediately, we’re talking about 15 or 20 years before we see long-term
Housing takes up a much larger share of income than it used
to, and in many cities is a force driving people out of city limits. Although I
have a lot left to learn about truly effective urban planning—an amateur interest
I have—housing would seem like a good place to begin. Although policies like
rent control and public housing rarely work as intended, I wouldn’t be
surprised to learn that there are new innovations in developing housing that
works for both mixed- and low-income populations. Now is a good time to push
forward with those ideas.